Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Easter pictures

Holly and Daddy

Look at all the eggs.

We could've exchanged the eggs for candy...

...but we decided to just keep the eggs.

Then we rode the carosel.

Then played in the Zoomazium.

Bustin' through the eggshell.

Holly's got a shoe.

Do you see a shoe?

I see a shoe.

Holly and Mommy in their jammies.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Catching up on pictures

Holly and mommy snuggling

These are the cutest jammies.

Toes are nummy.

Holly stands up against a lot of things now.

...that includes the baby gate.

Mommy was out weeding one day.

Here's Holly helping.

Holly's reading her book.

Playing music

Squinty face

And then all smiles.

Playing blocks with daddy.

This was at the Bunny Bounce at Woodland Park Zoo.

Just the cutest baby, Holly.
I'll post more on Holiday's birthday when I get a chance.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And we're back home

Holly did much better on her return trip to Seattle than heading down to Wasco. Perhaps she became acceptant of the situation. Mommy's keys seemed to help too (they're fun toys). I also learned a few things...fast food joints don't have changing tables in the bathrooms even though they have highchairs. It's better to gas up first for the next leg before breaking for a meal that way when everyone is back in the car we can just go before angry baby mode kicks in. Holly remains to be a morning person so that's the best time to lay the miles down. Holly exudes so much cuteness that we were getting free stuff for her along the way...free goldfish crackers, free happy meal toys. What can I say, Holly and waitresses really get along. Holly mimics much more now, we play the "stick out our tongues at each other" game. We also play hide 'n seek and chase much to Holiday's delight...she happily screams every time I catch her.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Holiday!

Wow...it's been a whole year. It some ways it has gone by quickly, in others it feels like a long time ago. Looking at pictures of Holly as a newborn it's quite obvious how much she's changed. I've lost 41 of the 50 pregnancy pounds, the rest that I need to lose is just me. There's a couple of other things how I've changed physically...mostly minor. Holly had her first cupcake at Grandma Linda's house for her birthday...she's still proving challenging to feed solid food lately. She got some cool presents too. There's certainly ups and downs taking a one year old on a major road trip, but it seems within our abilities. We take a lot more breaks from the road and longer ones at that. As long as we keep the nuclear meltdowns to a minimum it's okay. Once we got here Holly was fine, she's been taking her naps, bedtimes and mealtimes like usual. Holly really likes hanging out at Grandma Linda's house.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Holly Pictures

Little Holly peeking in the toy box.

Aaaah...she's coming right at me.

Patty cake

Holly likes Gerber cheetos

Nap time

Holly likes the swings at Green Lake.

Holly and Mommy

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Holly Pictures

Holly is ready for her close up.

Super Scootcher

All smiles

Chillin' with Mommy

All the chompers.

Holly really likes her blocks.

All dressed for cold weather.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Leaps and Bounds Again

Holly now regularly drinks from her sippy cup on her own. Right now she's preferring finger foods over baby food. She's also learned how to wave. Sometimes she waves back to you, other times she just waves at her toys or the books on the bookshelf...not much rhyme and reason yet but it's still cute. Holiday got to meet her Uncle Mike over the weekend, she really likes his songs and funny faces. Holly, Daddy and Mommy all went to the Bunny Bounce at the zoo over the weekend too. We found Holly's age group and turned her loose on the eggs. She was fairly satisfied with just holding one in each hand while kicking a pile of others that we placed in front of her. After we got her eggs we rode the carosel. Then we went to the zoomazium where Holly had a total blast. She was really excited about all the kids running around. Holly learned how to scootch through the hollowed out log through the openings (now she does it at home), played with spinny toys, and no...don't poke that other baby in the eye. Yesterday while she was standing holding on to the coffee table she did this little hip sway thing. It might have been dancing, it was really cute.