Tuesday, February 22, 2011


How much does Holly love her toys?

A whole lot.

Lots of big smiles too.

Mommy and Holly in shades. Holly's are kind of like Elton John.

Holly in her kitchen.

Mommy on the drums.

Holly on the cymbals.

Holly's coloring while Daddy does gamer stuff.

Blankie girl in her wagon.

Blankie girl is the cutest.

Mommy and Holly on "stability" balls.

Holly really likes this game.

She tends to scream for joy a lot. Our house is not quiet.

So Holly now does number sequences from 1-7 and 5-10 and L-M-N-O-P is her favorite part of the alphabet. She's starting to talk along with Sesame Street and she does amazingly at repeating what we say. We're squeezing in as much yard work time and going on walks as possible with all this crazy weather. I see snow showers coming down right now so it won't be today. We went to Grandma Claudia's house last Saturday and Holly got to play with her cousins and had a great time.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Colds and stuff

We went to the seattle aquarium last Saturday because I had some groupons for it. It was kind of a bust since Holly just wanted to run around and not look at anything. She didn't even want to touch the starfish. David suggested we take the ferry somewhere next time. There will be plenty of room for her to run. Poor David is still sick with a cold. It sounds just like mine was, it's always worse when you're trying to sleep. He's getting better, it's just taking its time. Holly was a little sick last week too, but her cold didn't seem as bad as ours. I started browsing for clothes for Holly and realized that not every store carries size 24 months, so we'll probably have to go to 2T and just make sure it'll go over her diaper. Probably the next time we make it to Babies 'R Us we'll get a training potty. She's almost to that age.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Still Teething

The teething is still bothering Holly but the fever is gone. I think they're coming in on top, it's hard to tell since she's got so many teeth and I try not to get chomped in the process. David thinks he might be catching a cold. It's been kind of "blah" for the last week so not a lot has happened. It looks like more rain will be coming too. I've been more focused on self-improvement with my extra time. More working out initially, but I've been thinking of trying to get my driving permit again and finally getting a license. I've been told that if I just take the test I'd probably pass.