Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lots O Pictures

Yeah, yeah...Mommy's tired.

Super cute shot.

Mommy's new greenhouse that Daddy made for her.
I think I can transplant Sunflowers and Pumpkins soon.

Sleepy boy.

Holiday loves to, you don't understand.  She really loves it.

Two sleepy boys.

Holiday at a music store in Georgetown during the Georgetown Carnival.  Awesome.

The kids in a Costco shopping cart.

Smiley little pudgling.

Hanging with Daddy.

Close up...waking moments are rare.

What a good big sister.

Notice the bunny toy.  Holiday insists upon giving it to Johnny herself.

This is what you get when you play the Nutcracker for a little girl named Holiday who loves to dance.

Froggie bottom...

...and froggie toes.

Holly seriously loved it, okay.

I'm nearing the end of my maternity leave.  Johnny is growing fast, I weighed him two days ago and he weighs 13.6 pounds.  I have his sizes posted to the right.  On Tuesday David came home and announced that our daycare was closing which was blindsiding.  So scrambling yesterday with perpetual phone calls I got a hit and found a place in our price range that's a little further out that will take both kids.  I feel extremely lucky since most places I talked to don't have space for 2 month olds due to daycare regulations.  One place had a waiting list for infants till 2014...Holy Moses!  When I talked on the phone with our new daycare lady, Marie, I assumed she was French since she had such a heavy French accent.  David came home yesterday after visiting the new daycare with Holiday and told me she's actually Haitian.  That was a big 'duh' moment for me.  There are in fact other countries that speak French as a predominant language.  I forgot that momentarily.  I feel really bad for our old daycare because it seems they're closing for negative reasons.  Many of the parents are upset about it.  The poor staff have to give up their kids, just awful.  But the silver lining that David has referred to is that we'll save a little money with the change up.  Holly does like the new place so she'll probably be just fine.  It's probably better that this happened now so Johnny doesn't have to get used to new people.  

Friday, June 8, 2012

Catching up on baby pictures

Here's a bunch of pictures from birth till about three weeks old.  Johnny is doing really well.  He's already gotten through his first cold and a clogged tear duct that has all since cleared up.  He got through being circumcised like a champ, he even fell asleep.  That's a tough little dude.  He did his first laugh today.  Johnny's favorite thing is to sleep in Mommy's lap.  Breastfeeding is going so well this time...that really helps my stress level.  My doctor has me on Zoloft just in case because I have a history.  I've lost 28 pounds but I think I've leveled off until I start exercising again.  That means I have 30 more pounds of baby weight to lose still.  I'm feeling much better just tired.  David's really tired too. Johnny wakes up 1 to 2 times a night for a feeding.  When he has a 5 hour sleep streak, I feel like I'm about to explode.  That's when I can't wait to feed him.  Johnny is a super pooper even now.  I don't mind the man farts that he does...I'd rather have a farty baby than one that's crying from gas.  David has been really proactive about Holly's potty training and she's doing really well.  She's just getting to the point where she can tell us she has to go so we can get her on the toilet before she has an accident.  Holiday is great with 'baby brother' as she calls him.  Always tucking him in with his baby blankets and baby toys.  Gives him kisses good-night or good-bye.  She's a terrific big sister.  Holly has really been in to dancing lately, so much so that people have asked if she's had lessons.  Nope, she's just that good at it.