Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Latest Developments

Well, I've now graduated to maternity clothes. It feels much better to not be strangled about the waist (I was down to the last notch on my belt). The pants feel a little too big but I think that's better than too small, I'll grow into them anyways. I feel less queezy than I had been but more tired. I still gag big time on my prenatals...that's so weird. David has been absolutely wonderful about doing the chores so I can rest when I need to. Hopefully the pregnancy exhaustion will ease up a bit so I can get some things done around the house...within reason of course. Here's the link to one of David's passions, the Board Game Geek website. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/342757/page/1 He recently made the announcement to all his online buddies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Colleen here up in Maine. Just wanted to say congratulations and that I'm so excited for you and David. You two or so beautiful and I know that Baby Anderson will be gorgeous! Take care. Can't wait to hear more! --Colleen