Thursday, February 18, 2010

Holiday is 10 months old

Wow...she's growing up so fast. I tried to lay her down for her afternoon nap a little while ago. Sometimes it'll take her a half hour wind down. I gave up after 45 minutes of babbling to find her sitting up in her crib playing. I couldn't help but laugh, so she laughed, then I laughed harder and then she got hiccups. Holly is getting really fast at scootching, so she's getting more playpen time than scootching on the rug time. It's safer that way. It's a matter of time before she walks/crawls. She's getting better at the sippy cup, it's still more of a toy than a drinking vessel right now. I think she's feeling better too. She hasn't coughed as much today and she's more her smiley self. She says dada, mama and kitty frequently now in addition to the babinese. I find she says mamamama if she wants out of the playpen or saucer or simply picked up. She's had a couple of rough nights where she didn't want to go to bed (you know...sick/teething) and I put her down once she cried dadadada to come save her. She does the same thing to David.

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