Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Tricks

Holly has discovered the fun of shaking her head 'no'. Apparently if we make a funny noise, like if I 'buzz' or David does some tube & throat singing, it cues Holly to shake her head 'no'. So I don't think it actually means 'no' to her yet, it's just fun. She really likes it when she's in her highchair...whatever it takes to get her to eat, right? Holly also does it on her changing table and sitting on people's laps. Holly has also found that her velcro bibs are fabulous fun to drag around the house, connect & disconnect the velcro, and smack the kitty with. Who would have thought...bibs. Holly is also starting to see the difference in shapes, colors, and textures...so also the shape sorting toys she has have gotten that much cooler. She always played with them before but just liked clapping the shape blocks together or chewed on them. Now she tries to put the right shape in the right hole. Holiday has made some progress with standing/walking pursuits. Besides her having pulling up to standing completely down she's starting to be able to sit or pick something up off the floor without a total crash and burn. Of course the crash and burn still happens, but if she lands square on her butt she seems okay with that. So we have less panic attacks from being stuck standing up somewhere.

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