Saturday, April 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Holiday!'s been a whole year. It some ways it has gone by quickly, in others it feels like a long time ago. Looking at pictures of Holly as a newborn it's quite obvious how much she's changed. I've lost 41 of the 50 pregnancy pounds, the rest that I need to lose is just me. There's a couple of other things how I've changed physically...mostly minor. Holly had her first cupcake at Grandma Linda's house for her birthday...she's still proving challenging to feed solid food lately. She got some cool presents too. There's certainly ups and downs taking a one year old on a major road trip, but it seems within our abilities. We take a lot more breaks from the road and longer ones at that. As long as we keep the nuclear meltdowns to a minimum it's okay. Once we got here Holly was fine, she's been taking her naps, bedtimes and mealtimes like usual. Holly really likes hanging out at Grandma Linda's house.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Loved, loved, loved having Holly here! Oh, and her parents too, of course. Pictures don't really convey her cheerful and adventurous personality. The dogs have been a challenge, but then they always are. Holly likes her little table and standing at my screendoor. Love, Grandma Linda