Friday, August 13, 2010

Updated Blog

I added a link to David's channel on YouTube that has all our family movies on it, it's located in the upper left corner on the blog. It hasn't been updated for a couple weeks but everything we have is there and that's where any new stuff will go so check it often. All the movies are about 10 minutes long so be ready to watch movies. Wish I thought of adding that sooner. I also swapped out one of the favorite websites to Seattle's Child Magazine. It's a great website for families, let's you know what's going on the community and a lot of it is free. Holly is doing great, her lower canines just broke through but all the canines are still actively coming in. They seem to be giving her more trouble than the molars. So that's a total of 16 teeth. They say the second molars can appear as early as 23 months so we'll get a short break from teething once the canines are finished. Holly has walking DOWN, she has begun running. She hardly scootches anymore. That doesn't mean that she doesn't bonk herself anymore, it's just less often. It's amazing some of the little things Holiday has learned to do. One of them is communicating her needs without speaking. One morning this week I was picking up around the living room when she came at me with her blankie and her Kate doll which is what I use to snuggle her to sleep with me on the couch then I lay her down for a nap. It was a little earlier than usual but she pretty much told me she needed a nap right now.

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