Thursday, September 30, 2010

More pictures and sick little Holly

Daddy and Holly at Greenlake park.

Holly and Mommy at the swings.

Holly likes to swing.

And here's the action shot.

Holly likes to play in the sand.

Holly's like a little 'Linus'.

It doesn't matter which blankie, just that there's a blankie.

Holly and Daddy relaxin'.

Holly and Daddy at Zootunes.

Holly and Mommy at Zootunes.
Holly started getting sick on Saturday and has been sick ever since. She's been to the doctor twice, but it wasn't until they gave her a nausea supressant that she started getting better. She did throw up again today, but I think that's because I gave her milk too soon so it's back to the Pedialyte for right now. Poor thing really hates it too. She's had some frustration cries because she really wants to run around and play and just isn't up for it. So we're going on day 6, I really hope this is over soon.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Catching Up...

Holly at the Beacon Hill wading pool.

Splashing is fun!

It was really hot that day so the wading pool was rather refreshing.

Holly in a pretty dress.

See the little pigtails.

Ridin' in style.

Holly and Daddy.

Holly in her playtent.

It's good for hiding toys in.

It's fun to crawl into.

And the kitty likes it too.

Holly loves it when Vader hides in the tent too.

Wow...I've been busy with work this week that I haven't had time to post anything. We went to the fair last week and had a good time. Holiday liked the cows and goats but was a little wary of the draft horses, but those are pretty big. We had Grandma Claudia babysit Holiday and David and I watched the Willie Nelson concert at the fair which was really good. A moth got into the house which intrigued Holly enough to get within 2 feet of it, then she changed her mind and ran away from it flapping her arms. I think Vader got it shortly after that. Her button-pushing has advanced enough that she'll accidently turn something on and crank up volume. That also sends her away flapping her arms. Holiday is very much into her investigative phase, everything gets touched. She prefers to walk herself instead of riding in a stroller or shopping cart. She's also mimicking more, especially if we annunciate a word boldly. Holly's got a pretty good list of words going now. Holly did much better at the pool last Saturday. She even helped with rinsing her hair and getting dressed. She's such a good girl.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Swimming lessons resume

Nothing major has happened lately. We resumed swimming lessons for Holly. We got there and got ready 5 minutes before the lesson, but she wanted to jump right in. But can't do that because there are lessons going on before us and a free for all would just be chaos because there's always a ton of kids. But in that 5 minutes Holly decided if she didn't get in when she wanted to that she wasn't going to cooperate. She hated the lesson, the shower and getting dressed. We took her to the school playground that's literally inches away from the community center where the pool is and Holly calmed right down. She loves exploring right now. Touch, touch, touch. We just have to watch her so she doesn't grab a handful of dirt and toss it over her head because it all lands in her diaper which means instant bath time. It's hard to tell her no when she's giggling from having so much fun. Holly's dancing more often now, we happily encourage it. She's been doing this thing where she bursts into clapping hands and suddenly stops and puts her hands on her hips. She also likes to hang on to furniture while kicking one leg in sort of a Rockettes kind of way. It's really funny.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Holly Updates

I think we need more baby-proofing. Holly is tall enough now that when she runs past the table she hits her head on the corners and it really hurts too. Poor baby. We're going to get some corner bumpers tonight. I think she just had a growth spurt because she's eating and sleeping a little more than usual. We might need to go up to the next size diapers too. She's wearing size 4 but in the last week there's been a couple of leaks and they just seem too little for her now. I posted her current clothing needs/sizes on the side of the blog, I got the idea from Keri's. It's such a good idea on how to keep family and friends up to date on that kind of stuff. A funny thing Holly did this week was when she was laying across my lap I was rubbing her back. I stopped momentarily and she grabbed my hand and threw it back on her back so I could keep rubbing her back. Apparently she likes backrubs. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bumbershoot Survived

We went to Bumbershoot on Sunday and Monday. We're really not fond of all the new policies and jacked prices and how family "unfriendly" it was. Basically if they don't have anyone we want to see we're not going to go next time. In the past we would have shown up regardless of what was going on. We managed to have a good time in spite of everything. We saw the School of Rock kids play (the local group not the movie) and they were awesome. We saw Hole and Courtney Love was her crazy, rockin' self. The next day it rained some but it was alright, we were prepared. Amongst the bands we saw were the Meat Puppets and Anvil. I thought the Anvil dudes were pretty funny. We brought Holly's ear protection head phones again and that got everyone's attention, the same thing happened last year. Complete strangers want to take her picture because she was so cute in them. Daddy went to the Flatstock showing and got a couple posters. I would usually get a t-shirt but I didn't like anything. I was glad I got the Cyndi Lauper t-shirt the week before when we saw her at Zootunes. Zootunes is far more family friendly. We hung out with the Preston family and we all took turns dancing with Holiday. Once David gets a chance to download our Bumbershoot movies you got to check out the one of Holly headbanging, it's like a full knee bend while laughing hysterically. It's great.