Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Catching Up...

Holly at the Beacon Hill wading pool.

Splashing is fun!

It was really hot that day so the wading pool was rather refreshing.

Holly in a pretty dress.

See the little pigtails.

Ridin' in style.

Holly and Daddy.

Holly in her playtent.

It's good for hiding toys in.

It's fun to crawl into.

And the kitty likes it too.

Holly loves it when Vader hides in the tent too.

Wow...I've been busy with work this week that I haven't had time to post anything. We went to the fair last week and had a good time. Holiday liked the cows and goats but was a little wary of the draft horses, but those are pretty big. We had Grandma Claudia babysit Holiday and David and I watched the Willie Nelson concert at the fair which was really good. A moth got into the house which intrigued Holly enough to get within 2 feet of it, then she changed her mind and ran away from it flapping her arms. I think Vader got it shortly after that. Her button-pushing has advanced enough that she'll accidently turn something on and crank up volume. That also sends her away flapping her arms. Holiday is very much into her investigative phase, everything gets touched. She prefers to walk herself instead of riding in a stroller or shopping cart. She's also mimicking more, especially if we annunciate a word boldly. Holly's got a pretty good list of words going now. Holly did much better at the pool last Saturday. She even helped with rinsing her hair and getting dressed. She's such a good girl.

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