Friday, December 17, 2010

New Stuff

Holly had a cold earlier this week. She's feeling much better now, but now I have it. My major symptom is a sore throat, there's stuffy nose and ear aches but in general not the worst cold I've ever had. I mostly just feel ... off. It's weird, like my brain's numb. I probably just need rest. Holly's terrible two's come in waves now. When she was sick she was fine, yesterday I feel like I lost a couple years off my life it was so bad. Today she's much better. Yesterday, Holly verbally counted to five. Last night Holly was in her highchair and she must have dropped something and she said, "Uh-Ohhhhh...Spaghetti-Ohhhhh." Now that can be hard for older children to say, so needless to say David was tickled pink. I've actually been saying that to her for awhile but not for a couple days, so she does listen to us she just repeats as it suits her.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I hope you get over your colds very quickly. I watched all the new videos and loved them all! And to think Holly can say 1,2,3,4,5 and spaghetti-ohs. School is out early for vacation and the kids will be playing outside if the weather permits. Love, Grandma Linda