Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Finally...the light at the end of the teething tunnel

When I got home from the gym last night, David told me that Holly got one of her 2nd molars in. It looks like it broke through a couple days ago because it's nearly all in. Looks a little ouchy still. Just three more baby teeth to go. This one bruised her cheek a little. It's not that noticeable, just the ones that mommies can see. :) Holly was a little fussy this weekend during the Greenwood Car Show so maybe that was the reason why. We took out Holly's pink car and rode her around as much as she would tolerate. Everyone loved the little pink car. The car show was much bigger than I remembered it over 10 years ago. It was cool to see the old police cars and fire trucks along with the classic cars, they even have slugbugs. Then there the more modern vehicles like electric cars plus all the vendors there.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Advances in Potty Training

On Monday, Holly did a peepee in the potty at daycare. On Wednesday not only did Holly do a peepee, she did a poopoo too, in the potty at daycare. We're pretty excited at Holly's successes, especially since she doesn't always want to do it. Yesterday I was home sick with a cold. I came into work today but I'm still pretty run down. I'm hoping to get it out of my system well before the holiday coming up soon.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Potty Newsflash

Today was our first official day of potty training since we ran out of the regular diapers yesterday. There's been a lot of practicing of removing the pull-up and sitting on the potty while reading potty books. Daddy's been a big help with that. Then I showed Holly how I do it. Then she asked to sit on her potty about an hour later...and she peepeed in her potty. We really weren't expecting a hit on the first day but we're taking it as a good sign. Perhaps Holly is a visual-learner. We're going to need the space in her bedroom when it comes times for a big girl bed. So that changing table will need to go.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Little Artist

Holiday really likes the paints and brushes Grandma Linda got her. On Monday evening I came home from the gym to David giving Holiday a bath because she had so much fun. Everything cleans up really nice though and Grandma also provided a smock. She liked the smock too. She was trying to put it on like a coat so putting it on opposite of a coat seemed really funny to her. I was cleaning up the table during the bath and realized in addition to her masterpiece that was on the table she had three more hanging up to dry in the office. I was only gone for an hour.

Monday, June 13, 2011

It's Potty Time

Holly knows the words 'peepee','poopoo' and 'potty' now. She knows how to sit on her potty. We have pull-up diapers in stock. Once we get through the regular diapers we'll start the potty training. Holiday has also gotten much better at peddling on her tricycle. I just bought more clothes for her that are summer weight so I can clear out the 18 months sizes she can go to a full 2T. Now that all her potty items are in order, we'll probably start thinking about buying a toddler bed for her. She's outgrowing her mini-crib fast.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

New Videos

There's some new videos posted to YouTube. There's a link on the left side of the blog that leads you straight there. There's a couple videos from the zoo and some are just funny happenings at home. Holly's been doing pretty good lately but not really anything new from the weekend.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Funny Stuff

We just had a great weekend with Holly. She wasn't teething, or constipated or even experienced any 'terrible two' behavior. Holly let us sleep in on both Saturday and Sunday to 7:30am (and yes, that's sleeping in). David and I both got some yard work done. When I asked Holly on Saturday if she would like a sandwich she bolted off my lap and plunked herself down in her booster seat at the dining room table. Sandwich coming right up. We got all our errands done without any meltdowns or motion sickness. We got a couple movies in and a couple games in. The weather was perfect on Saturday so there was a walk to the park too. It was simply amazing. Holly really hates being rinsed at bathtime, suds no problem. So at bathtime, David managed to get her through it without fussiness. She was in such a good mood afterwards, she bent over upside down with her rear in the air and sang her ABC's just like she saw Big Bird and Elmo do on Sesame Street. I laughed really hard at that.

Friday, June 3, 2011

20 Questions (or more)

Holly has started asking, "What's that?" "What's that?" "What's that?" So the toddler line of questioning has begun and that will last a couple years or so I've heard. Now that Holiday realizes that everything has a name, she wants to know what everything is called. One of the perks of this new talent is that I can get her talking about elephants or doggies or bicycles and it distracts her from being sick in the car. We've really been working on her vocabulary since she's interested. David's been getting her some kids' games and she's really been enjoying those. They focus a lot on colors and shapes.