Monday, June 6, 2011

Funny Stuff

We just had a great weekend with Holly. She wasn't teething, or constipated or even experienced any 'terrible two' behavior. Holly let us sleep in on both Saturday and Sunday to 7:30am (and yes, that's sleeping in). David and I both got some yard work done. When I asked Holly on Saturday if she would like a sandwich she bolted off my lap and plunked herself down in her booster seat at the dining room table. Sandwich coming right up. We got all our errands done without any meltdowns or motion sickness. We got a couple movies in and a couple games in. The weather was perfect on Saturday so there was a walk to the park too. It was simply amazing. Holly really hates being rinsed at bathtime, suds no problem. So at bathtime, David managed to get her through it without fussiness. She was in such a good mood afterwards, she bent over upside down with her rear in the air and sang her ABC's just like she saw Big Bird and Elmo do on Sesame Street. I laughed really hard at that.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I'm so glad you had a really great weekend. It's about time you had a sunny day! Holiday's antics really make ne laugh.

Grandma Linda