Friday, September 23, 2011

Flu shot season

I have my flu shot done for the year.  Holly had hers yesterday afternoon, she naturally wasn't happy about it.  She perked right up when she received some Elmo stickers for being a good girl.  "I love stickers," she told us.  That's a common phrase for her now. "I love fill in the blank."  Another favorite word right now is "delicious".  Everything is delicious.  She makes sure to get her daddy's attention by tapping him on the arm and specifically tell him that the food he made was delicious.  Holly felt it was important to tell him that.  It's pretty cute.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pictures from Nick and Gina's Wedding

 Holly and Daddy on the swing before the wedding got started.

She loved that swing.

Mommy and Holly waiting for the bride.

Daddy and Holly sitting quietly and cute.

Here comes the bride.

Nick and Gina with Heather officiating.

Holly got a little antsy and felt the need to color.

There's Anna to the side as Nick and Gina's flower girl.

Here's the Anderson family dressed in their wedding best.

Holiday holding a wedding program.  But she likes to call any folded in half piece of paper a "birthday card" because birthdays are fun.

Dancing with Daddy at the reception.

Hanging out with Mommy after eating some chocolate.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Nick and Gina's Wedding

So this was the first Bumbershoot I've missed since I've lived in Seattle.  It was just a terrible lineup and thus not worth the time, money or effort.  So instead we took a trip to Portland for a friend's wedding.  Holly made the trip wonderfully.  She even made progress swimming at the hotel, she was kicking her legs pretty good.  We took her to a park and played there for a while.  Then we all got dressed up and went to the wedding at a private lake which was beautifully gardened-up with all sorts of flowers.  They had a couple swings there that Holly just couldn't get enough of.  Holly kind of chatted loudly during the ceremony but no one seemed to notice...she just wanted to color on the paper airplanes they passed out to throw in celebration when the groom kissed the bride.  Holly did like the throwing of the airplanes part.  They had bunches of taper candles for decor for the reception area, so Holly kept pointing to them and talked about birthday cakes.  There was a big row of them on the bride and groom's table so Holly practiced her counting with those ones.  They had chocolates on the tables and Holly says, "I love chocolate!"  She also loves to 'draw' with chocolate on the white table cloths.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

5th Wedding Anniversay...and of course...teething

Last Friday, David and I had our 5th Wedding Anniversay.  Holiday stayed at Grandma Claudia's overnight while we had a lovely dinner out and stayed at a local hotel.  Poor Holly is teething again so she did wake up in the middle of the night upset.  But we got her sleep times straightened out by the next day.  On Monday she put herself down for a nap at daycare earlier than normal.  Now she seems like she's feeling a little better, but is not the most excited about brushing teeth right now.  She did learn the game "race" this week.  Holly was racing Daddy in the back yard.  She'd get into her starting stance and say, "Ready...set...GO!!!"  And then run for it.  I did put a new link to our friend Toni's blog for her sewing enterprises, please enjoy.