Thursday, September 1, 2011

5th Wedding Anniversay...and of course...teething

Last Friday, David and I had our 5th Wedding Anniversay.  Holiday stayed at Grandma Claudia's overnight while we had a lovely dinner out and stayed at a local hotel.  Poor Holly is teething again so she did wake up in the middle of the night upset.  But we got her sleep times straightened out by the next day.  On Monday she put herself down for a nap at daycare earlier than normal.  Now she seems like she's feeling a little better, but is not the most excited about brushing teeth right now.  She did learn the game "race" this week.  Holly was racing Daddy in the back yard.  She'd get into her starting stance and say, "Ready...set...GO!!!"  And then run for it.  I did put a new link to our friend Toni's blog for her sewing enterprises, please enjoy.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

i'm glad you had a nice anniversary. Hopefully Holly's teething trials will be over soon. I enjoyed seeing the sewing projects Toni pictured on her site.

Grandma Linds