Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend in Review

Holly did much better in dance class this week.  It wasn't a viewing week so David and I peeked in the window and she was all into the lesson.  I also think the colds are pretty much gone now so that probably helped.  We got outside on Saturday, we just set up Johnny in his saucer in the shade in a nice grassy spot.  I  knocked out the pruning on the butterfly bush and David cleaned up the bush/holly/blackberry trimmings.  Holly got to play in her sandbox and played a little badminton with Daddy.  David also checked out our lawnmower and thinks he can fix it, that's worth a shot anyway.  If he can that saves us from buying a new one and we'll need to mow soon.  All in all, it was a good block of yardwork done and even filled up the green bin for this week's pick up.  Sunday we did the usual leisurely morning and grocery shopping.  Johnny had a little tumble while cruising the living room.  He's being a little more adventureous by trying to take a step on his own.  He was doing just that and crashed into a pile of toys.  He's okay but he got a cut under his eye fairly high on his cheekbone.  It looked better this morning now that the swelling is gone but it's still fairly red.  We're just focusing on keeping it clean so it doesn't get any worse.  Poor baby boy...

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