Monday, April 8, 2013

Growing kids

We had a nice quiet weekend (since it rained a lot) and now we're settling back down into our regular routine again.  Both the kids seem like they've grown.  Clipping Holiday's nails it just felt different.  She remains a 4T size but she's filling them out more.  She has several 3T pieces left in her wardrobe which I believe she'll grow out of soon.  She's still working on the bedtime potty training but is getting better.  Daytime and nap time she pretty much has down.  I've been putting 18-24 months onesies on Johnny this last week, but still using 12-18 month pants.  We think his height is coming from his torso, which is also true of David and myself.  I weighed him the other day and he's just over 23 pounds.  I'm sure his legs will catch up soon.  I'll probably keep him in pants (as opposed to shorts) until he's walking on his own.  Crawling is his primary mode of locomotion right now and I'd rather keep the scuffs to a minimum.  He's using baby walkers a lot more and moving the furniture around like they are walkers too.  So one of our dining chairs might end up in the hallway because he walked it in there.  He can walk if someone is holding at least one of his hands and is actively trying to keep him stable.  He can stand up on his own if he's distracted by something and not realize that's what he's doing.  If he looks up and realizes there's nothing to hang on to he usually bails and just sits down.   I haven't seen him take a step on his own really just yet, but I feel he's getting close.  Holly was 15 months old when walking seemed the way to go for her.  Johnny says 'dada' when he's happy and 'mum-mum-mum' if he's hungry/tired/upset which usually means he wants me.  The other day he was getting into something and I told him, "No...that's icky."  He then parroted back to me the word 'icky'.  Johnny is doing much better with finger foods now.  He's also become a bit of a biter so beware of the chompers.  I mean hurts.  Got me on the face, crawled up my back and got me there, my ankle and my big toe when I was sitting in a half indian style on the couch.  So he's a style.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

It seems like they grow so fast! Am sending Holly's birthday gift today to David's work.