Thursday, June 27, 2013

Holiday's Dance Recital and the Anderson Illness

Here's the finale during rehearsal...Holiday is in a pink tutu in the front row.

A close up of Holiday.

Even closer.

This her class's ballet number during rehearsal.

She did so well.

Absolutely adorable.

It was the best thing ever.

Here's Johnny taking it easy in the easy chair.

Just getting comfortable with a good book.

Holiday was sick with some kind of stomach virus the day before her rehearsal.  Then Johnny got it last Wednesday night and it didn't get better till Saturday the day of the dance recital.  That's when I got it, I don't remember the last time I was that violently ill.  Seriously...words cannot express, nor should they.  It was pretty bad, but I was determined to suck it up and go to my daughter's dance recital.  It was in the evening so by then the really horrible stuff had passed already.  So I made it through the 3 hours of performance and the one hour of pre-performance shufflings without any since of run to the bathroom urgency.  That's a big "Yeah Me!!!"  I'm so glad I did it too.  It was one of the best things I've ever seen.  There's almost 100 students in the whole school and I really enjoyed watching everybody.  The house had sold out too so that's a lot of people really getting into it.  It was a mix of traditional and contemporary, ballet, tap and modern.  From your Music Box Dancer to My Prerogative.   The latter was super awesome by the way.  Holiday did her job and led her class out onto the stage great.  They made her wear the arm bands that are made out of tulle (super scratchy and much too big for her), so I think that distracted her a bit during their ballet number.  They didn't wear those for the tap number so Holiday was killing it on the dance floor.  Their class got so much applause on the tap number, we could see the smile on Holiday's face.  She was so into the moment she didn't notice all the other girls had exited the stage, when she did, she happily ran off to join the others.  This is Holiday's teacher's last year so the torch has been passed to someone else to take over the dance school.  She handed out red roses to all the students herself.  Holiday was very proud of her rose and her certificate of achievement (she calls it a picture).  Sunday night David started getting the stomach bug, the onset really does seem to be the worst part.  I was able to eat real food for the first time yesterday, I had been on cup of noodles since Sunday.  I'm about 95% right now, I think David is about a day and half behind me.  Unfortunately Johnny threw up again on Monday and again on Tuesday so we took him into the doctor and he has a double ear infection.  That's just a mean parting shot if you ask me considering how bad that tummy bug was.  But ear infections are easier to treat than cleaning up after tummy illnesses....ah old friend.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Georgetown Carnival pictures

The family is ready to go to the Georgetown Carnival.

Here's Johnny playing with a sticker that one of the police officers working the event gave him.

Holiday and Daddy playing with bubbles.  We got there right when it opened so there wasn't a ton of people right away.  Made it easier to check stuff out.

Here's Holiday at the Sandbox thoroughly enjoying the sand.

Johnny loved crawling in the sand.

Big smiles.

My little climber going up the steps.

Surprise!  That's Holiday mid-slide in the background.

Speaking of mid-slides, here's another action shot of Holiday.

The Sandbox is such a happy place.

Some stilt people.

This was part of an acrobatic club located in Georgetown, these are their youngest performers.

She really did have all those hoops going at once.

Pretty amazing.

I had to 'give props' to the mustache.

Little bit older acrobats.

Holiday got her face painted and really liked it.

More acrobatics.

This is about acrobatic as we get.

These girls were pretty amazing...rolling around standing on those balls all over the stage.

This was so cute.  I saw someone look down at him like he was being sweet.  So I checked on him and sure enough he had dozed off, I just didn't expect him to do it like this.  I took his picture and laid him down in the stroller in a more comfortable sleeping position.  He was pretty tired out.  Not only did we get him into the car asleep, we were able to get him into the house and lay him down for his nap still asleep...zonkered out.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Back yard and family pictures

Here's Holiday and Daddy playing catch with the sandbox in view.

Johnny has become an expert at going up stairs.

Pretty good shot of David and most of the back yard.  Those peonies just get bigger every year.

Inside the greenhouse...that's basil in the teacups and romaine in the container on the ground, the rest are various flower seedlings.

The planter in the foreground left to right: grapes, then peppers (grown from seeds) and a small blueberry bush that I've had for years.  The next planter is the herb garden various lavendar, sage, chives, parsley, rosemary, and thyme.  Have had that for years too.

The other side of the herb garden is some zuccini and artichoke grown from seeds.  The two triangle flower beds are mostly just that, flowers.  Some have been there awhile some grown from seeds.

This is at my mom's house...there's Kailee with Johnny and Sammie and Jillian behind them.

Here's Annabelle and Holiday playing with a kickball.

Now they're playing with the ring toy hung from the tree.  Ayden riding a tricycle back there too.

Family photo left to right:  Me and Johnny, David and Holiday, Nathan and his girlfriend, Jet and Mom, Chris and Jannie with their kids, Kailee, Sammie and Ayden, and then my sister Angie with her two girls Jillian and Annabelle.

All the cousins.

Me and Johnny with Annabelle with an unexplained outfit change (kids are funny).

Too bad his legs were too short for the pedals...I bet he would have went for it.

Skateboarding with Daddy.

Looks like Grandma Claudia is going to be just fine.  She's home now and will take the rest of the week off to recover.  There's still test results to be had and follow up doctor's appointments, but the general feeling is that it's mostly going to be a nutritional overhaul which isn't too fun but is totally manageable.  (Sigh of relief).

Monday, June 10, 2013

Pictures and Stuff

Johnny enjoying some cheerios.

My mother's day present.

The little happy fist bump.

Didja notice?  Johnny got a hair cut.  Daddy did a good job.

Johnny got up there by himself.

And he's really happy to be in on that sippy cup action.

Here's the new slide, they both love it.

Johnny has impressive climbing skills.


Some fun stuff.

Holiday really didn't want Johnny in her lap, but he just wanted to play with her so badly.


And here's the civilized little girl who eats as unmessily as possible at all costs.

Well it's busy in bursts lately.  Thursday Holiday's dance class did their formal portraits.  That was a madhouse, I'm just glad Holiday's class was scheduled first so we could get out of there.  Holy Moses!  Saturday Holiday had her last regular class of the season, this Saturday is the dress rehearsal on site which sounds like that's going to be quite a haul.  After her class we went to the Georgetown Carnival which is always fun for the whole family.  We watched some of the acrobatics that the local acrobatics school there in Georgetown was putting on and those kids were pretty good.  Throughout the carnival there's a lot of spectacle going on like stilt walkers, jugglers and clowns making balloon animals.  We always make sure to visit the vintage trailer park, where we bought some cool children's story art, and we visted the Sandbox.  That's the place that has indoor volleyball but opens the small court for little kids to play in.  The kids loved it and David and I played in there too.  Now there's sand all over the house but it was still fun.  We were all pretty tired after that.  But unfortunately I got a call yesterday that Grandma Claudia is in the hospital.  It's not known what the cause of her ailment is but we were at least able to go visit her and bring her some flowers.  Get well soon Grandma!