Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dance Recital and Parent/Teacher Conference

Holiday had her Holiday Showcase at the dance center on Sunday.  It was an informal event and fun, not all the students were there but it seemed okay because it's a small studio.  We were sitting down on the mats in front watching all the dance groups.  It seems the class structure for Holiday's class is much more focused on creative movement than pre-ballet than it did last year, but that actually seems more age appropriate for Holiday.  Besides, she's having fun so nothing else really matters.  They had all sorts of Christmas goodies there so we all got treats when Holiday's show was over.  Grandma Claudia got to come see the show too.  Yesterday evening we had our first parent/teacher conference with one of Holiday's teachers.  Basically she's doing quite well with just a couple things to work on that we were pretty much already aware of.  Like being able to focus on what the teacher is directing the class to do as opposed to her doing her own thing, keeping track of her things because they find them everywhere, and being able to put the letters of her name in the right order.  All of this sounded like normal 4 year old stuff anyways.  They probably need to point out every little thing to parents just in case they were dealing with parents that really were clueless to their child's development.  So none of that surprised me and it's stuff we're working on at home anyways.  But Holiday knows all her letters and their sounds, knows numbers, getting a grasp on time and days of the week, plays well with others and on her own, wonderful imagination and an impressive vocabulary.

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