Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First day of school...busy, busy

I know I haven't posted for a while so I'm trying to make up for that for updating the kids' size sections and the background as well as the post itself. So you can see I'm in the process of getting cooler weather clothes but not totally done yet.  I'm pacing myself since the cold weather hasn't actually hit yet.  David bought the kids a bunch of shoes yesterday, tennis shoes and boots for both of them plus tap shoes for Holiday since dance class will start up again soon.  Thank goodness her ballet slippers still fit.

I do have to back up a bit to Holiday's last week of summer camp when she went bowling for the first time at the HUB.  She was on a team with Theo and Wyatt and she told us in a big, loud voice, "I scored with two boys!"  David said in a more subdued tone, "That's...great."

David and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary by having my mom babysit the kids while we did a movie then dinner.  We went to Tacoma this time so the kids were at her house.  The movie theater seats were actual real full scale recliners.  No wonder their showings sell out consistently.  We'll have to do that again.  Soon.  It was also a lot cheaper than going to a movie in Seattle.

Since Johnny's daycare was closed last week for vacation, I stayed home with both kids.  Mostly a lot of coloring, trains, legos, and playing outside.  We did manage a play date with Keri's kids.  My kids are about a head shorter than hers and they are pretty much the same age.  I guess that's another mommy feature in play.

David got to go to Pax on Saturday and played in the Settlers of Catan tournament.  When he got the standings back he finished 25th overall, which is pretty good for his first Catan tourney.

We all went to Bumbershoot on Sunday and got to see more music stages than we had in the last two years combined.  I think I liked the Fountain Lawn Stage the best.  When Hobosexual was playing I mentioned that I was really liking it and David said it sounded pretty "grungie".  That's probably why I liked it.  I think my favorite showing was Luscious Jackson which was at a different stage.  David liked the Replacements the best.  We left around 7 pm because the kids were getting pretty tired.  They both passed out in the car on the way home.  They were both so wiped out we had to put them in their pajamas while they were still sleeping.  I think that has only happened once before with Johnny.

David and Holiday had a daddy/daughter day yesterday since her day care was closed the day before school starts.  They did golfing at Interbay then went to the Science Center and watched a movie about butterflies in 3D.  She really liked both.

Now today is the first day of Kindergarten for Holiday!  I can't wait to hear how it all went.

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