Monday, November 17, 2014

Pre Holiday Lull

There hasn't been much to report lately.  We got all our flu shots last Tuesday.  Actually Holiday opted for the nasal spray variety but the rest of us got injections.  It was on Veteran's Day so we had a family day and after flu shots we went to the Arboretum.  It was a beautiful, cold day so we took a lot of pictures.  Then on Thursday Johnny had a fever so I stayed home with him.  Nothing serious but he obviously wasn't 100%.  Then later on in the day I realized I wasn't feeling so good and I had a low grade fever myself.  So I guess it was good that I stayed home.  Johnny and I went back to daycare/work the next day.  It was a cold so I'm past most of the snottiness but Johnny is especially snotty right now.  We went to a birthday party for my nephew Ayden and niece Sammie on Saturday.  The kids always have fun playing at their house.  So mostly we're doing day to day kinds of things, but the holidays are around the corner and I know things will get busy again soon so I'll enjoy the lull while we have it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Halloween and Holiday has lost her first tooth and Daddy's Birthday

Yes people...Holiday has indeed lost her first tooth.  It's the front, left, bottom one.  Holiday told us on Thursday that it was loose and she even let us wiggle it.  Then it fell out on Friday and she's way excited about it.  I'm thinking that it probably didn't hurt and not much bleeding so that's probably why this experience has been positive for her.  But she keeps forgetting it at school so we haven't had a visit from the tooth fairy yet.  Friday was also Halloween so we took the kids trick-or-treating in the Ballard area near the home of one of Holiday's friends from school, Theo.  Theo has a little sister Molly so the girls and boys kind of divided up and played together.  During trick-or-treat time Johnny kept screaming, "THEO, THEO, WAIT, WAIT!"  It was pretty funny since Theo was only inches in front of us.  But Johnny really liked Theo.  Johnny just had a red cape on for his costume but it pretty much covered all of himself up.  Holiday was Elsa from Frozen, very popular this year.  Johnny pretty much yelled the whole time either calling for Theo or Holiday or yelling TRICK-OR-TREAT! or THANK YOU!  It was pretty hilarious.  We were out for about an hour and then went back to the house so the kids could play some more and dig in on some of the candy.  Every time we got trick-or-treaters all four of the kids would come busting out of the bedrooms to see who was at the door.  Saturday was Daddy's 43rd birthday.  I think this one was slightly bittersweet for him since the kids have been hitting a lot of milestones lately which obviously means that they are growing up.  But he still had a good birthday.  I made him a pumpkin/chocolate cake (which was really good) and I gave him a couple of boardgames and a pair of fancy unicorn socks.  I had missed the part where the unicorns fart out rainbows.  Even better.