Thursday, January 29, 2015

Coming out of the sickness and other winter happenings

Well, there hasn't been too much to report lately.  We've had sickness off and on which is typical for us this time of year.  Johnny was pretty sick last weekend.  The fever was the worst part but I already was armed with children's Tylenol so I was covered.  Sunday morning he woke up at 4:30 am needing another dose.  He wanted to get up and cried hard when we didn't let him.  After a half hour of that and the medicine had kicked in, I was able to sing him back down to sleep.  I got everyone up at 8:00 am.  By then, Johnny was just a little sweat ball.  His pajamas were soaked in sweat and he was not happy to get stripped right then.  His little hands were even pruney, even more so than at bath time.  But because he was able to sweat his fever out, it broke and he improved quickly after that.  There's been lots of coughing from everybody (except me).  I did feel pressure on my chest for a couple days which did seem weird that I didn't cough.  But that might be because I hate coughing so much that I will myself not to do it.  Hate hearing people cough, hate coughing myself because it gives me headaches.  I guess we all have our qwirks.  David's done with the boat show, with the overtime in-person part at least.  We all went to the boat show Sunday evening.  The kids explored a couple boats and played in the kids section.  They built (mommy helped a lot) a couple boats, jumped on a huge trampoline and puttered around in a couple of paddle boats.  That took Johnny a few minutes to figure out.  Every time Holiday crashed into him they'd both laugh really hard.  It was all good though, those boats were built with crashing in mind.  I'm starting to evaluate my yard again.  I'll need to replace that greenhouse, the old one is disintegrating slowly.  We'll need to use some moss killer this year and will likely need to re-seed as a result of that.  Now that the dead leaves are finally gone I can move on to the weeds and bushes.  The candytuft and crocuses are starting the bloom and the roses are getting little buds on them.  I made applesauce a couple weeks ago and it turned out really well.  Next time I'll cut back a little more on the sugar and make sure I budget for 4 hours of time.  My recipe for 8 jars needed 18 apples and it takes a long time to peel, core and chop up that many.  It didn't take too long to cook it down.  Using the food processor to bring the cooked apples down to sauce did take some time too just not as long as the prep did.  David was talking about chutneys so maybe I'll look at those recipes next.

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