Thursday, March 26, 2015

Barnyard Moosical Pictures

This is Holiday and Mommy playing Animal Upon Animal.  She was very proud of our wall of critters.

This was in Holiday's classroom getting ready for the Barnyard Moosical.  The beards are great.

This was the piggie class.  Her dance and music teachers out front.

We watched from way in the back.  Johnny still had a good seat.  He made sure she could hear him when she filed in with her class.

This is the chicken class (there was a cow class too)

But Holiday was in the goat class.  Awesome!

Holiday is so tired.

This is kind of the slow part of the year for us.  Holiday has had a couple of field trips.  There's also been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting and reading abilities.  Johnny recognizes about 75% of the alphabet now.  I've had several doctor's appointments lately but it's really just to catch up on stuff.  I got a new pair of glasses, probably the most girly I've ever done.  I'll post a picture when I have one.  I haven't had a new pair of glasses in 7-8 years.  I liked my old pair that much but they were really worn out and I've been having weird dry eye issues so we're working on getting that fixed.  I just received new orthotics.  They last about 10 years and I was going on 12 and was starting to feel pain again in my feet.  So that will fix that.  Additionally I got direction on rehab-ing my bum ankle.  Apparently this happens if you've ever sprained your ankle in your lifetime...which I have so it all makes sense.  I just went to the dentist this week.  I haven't done that in 5-6 years so I consider myself pretty lucky that at 38 years old I still have never had any cavities.  We're starting to gear up for Easter (which Holiday is pretty excited about) and both of their birthdays.  That will begin one of our busy times of the year.  In May and June there will be dance class stuff and end of year school stuff.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Holiday's Barnyard Moosical

Last night we attended the Kindergarten's Barnyard Moosical at Adams for Holiday's class.  Each class was dressed as a different animal, Holiday's was goats so they all wore headbands with little goat horns and goat ears on them with goat beards taped to their little chins.  After we had dropped Holiday off at her class to get ready she chased us down the hall crying that she didn't want us to leave.  So we explained to her that we weren't leaving and just trying to find a place to sit in the cafeteria to see her show and David took her back to her class.  It was a packed house, we were able to find seats in the very back (and we were there early) but the event ended up being standing room only.  When her class filed in it looked like Holiday was okay.  Johnny was being held up so he could see and he belts out, "HI, HOLIDAY!!!" as the room was getting quieter in anticipation of the show starting.  I figure that only helped Holiday get the moral support she was needing.  But she finally saw us and smiled and waved.  She could see her Daddy holding up a camera so she held her pose for quite a while as the other kids were finding their spots on stage.  She didn't realize at first that he was taking a video and was not going to put the camera down.  Eventually she stopped doing the 'vogue'.  It was pretty cute.  Afterwards it was still light out so we let them play on the playground for a while.  They were having so much fun that naturally they didn't want to leave.  Thank goodness they fell asleep fast after being tucked in for the night.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pictures and Potty News!

Johnny's bath time.

This was when we put up the tree this year.

Johnny likes boxes.

Holiday was pretty helpful with decorating the tree.

Snuggle time!

Her two bottom adult teeth are growing in.

All of us in Christmas pajamas from Grandma Linda.

I get out of the shower and find this elaborate set up by Daddy and Johnny.

Snack time in the 'tent'.

Silly Johnny.

Too cute.

Daddy's silly too.  Holiday just likes to pose for the camera.

This was after his haircut a few weeks ago.

He looks so grown up now.

As for new updates...Johnny went potty for the first time in the big toilet last night.  He's sat on it a bunch of times but nothing has happened.  Holiday has a wiggly upper front tooth.  Daddy mowed the lawn last Saturday.  February people...February.  Usually the first mow happens in April.  This winter has been crazy mild.  I'm hoping to replace the greenhouse when we can find one in stock.  Our front yard is looking pretty decent right now with all the weeding, new bark, mowing and rose trimming done.  Now all that has to happen to the back yard.  I think a lot of stuff needs to be cleaned off too.  Moss is growing EVERYWHERE!