Thursday, July 16, 2015

More pictures and the little mishap

Playing by the well at The Secret Garden in Sumner.

Little Fairy Princess

and the little scamp.

Here's Holiday's tea party lunch.

Here's Johnny's tea party lunch. He was adamant that he didn't want any tea. 

Holiday and Grandma Claudia.

Holiday had lemonade in her tea cup.

I think the little goblet had sorbet or jam in it.

Grandpa got a kick out of Johnny slinging it back let it was full of grog or something.

At the school carnival.

Practicing their tap number.

Johnny at Golden Gardens.

Well our summer is moving along right now. Unfortunately Holiday had a little mishap last Friday. After coming back from her summer camp field trip she was climbing on the big rope spider web climbing structure at the school and she fell off and fractured her arm near her left wrist. We got the call from her caregivers and got to her as soon as we could. We took her to Seattle Children's Hospital after picking her up and was there till after 11 pm. I know it took a long time but it was certainly a better emergency experience than going to a non-children's hospital. They had snacks. They gave the kids toys and crayons. We watched Frozen twice (and they had 100 other movies and shows to choose from in their movie system). They gave Holiday something for the pain and she was able to calm down enough to cooperate with the exam. She kind of had a fear of the pain thing going so she didn't even want to try to move her fingers at first. It was enough of a break to need the doctor's push it back together so they knocked her out for 10 minutes so they could do it. She has a temporary cast on at the moment. She gets the real one tomorrow and is way excited about it. Like her friend Simon's mother said, "If you have to wear a cast, may as well be proud of it." Well said...and that's our silver lining. If she's textbook she'll get the real cast off in three weeks, so we'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

She's my brave sweetheart!