Monday, December 15, 2008

Nursery Update

The walls and trim have been painted...very 'purplelicious' indeed. It's like a light lavender color. David even put up some moulding so the room looks more finished. We laughed about whomever built that room because it's entirely not square. Each wall has a slightly different measurement. We hadn't really noticed before. We made the trip to Ikea and got the wardrobe and other shelving units. The wardrobe is almost finished, David just needs to assemble and install the doors to it. I've already hung my clothes back up, which is really nice. But all the drawers for baby stuff are installed so that part is good to go. We got a new light fixture too so the baby doesn't have to stare at a bare light bulb. I'm just starting to pull materials together to make some curtains for the nursery over the coming holidays. The baby certainly has been growing a lot. Each day I feel a little bit bigger. Turning over while sleeping has started to become a challenge. It would probably be really funny to watch me scoot myself out of bed. My appetite has grown as well. Last week I had a craving for olives. Mmmmm....olives. :)

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