Thursday, August 27, 2009

4 Month Check-up

Holly's doing really good, we just need to make sure she's getting enough calories. She tends to fight us a little bit on eating. We'll do a weight check in a couple weeks to make sure she's on the gain. It's kind of like when we were monitoring my blood pressure during pregnancy, it's just something we have to watch. I think she remembered getting shots at the 2 month check up because she started crying really bad when the nurse was getting the shots ready. She turns beet red and cries really, really bad during the shots. Holly can actually scream when she's really mad, it can make you feel like a bad person when a baby screams. Last Sunday we went to Sable's blessing and Holly did just fine during the ceremony, but it was during the morning and that's her happiest time of day. We went to Landon's birthday party later, he was turning 3, and had a nice time. So Sunday was a day of little shin-digs. Holly is starting to 'pluck' at her gums, kind of like she's trying to scratch them. She's also doing this funny little thing where she kind of sucks in her lips around her gums. We figure it's just more teething symptoms.

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