Thursday, August 20, 2009

Holly's figuring things out

I think Holly has gotten least seems like it when she's in her carseat now. She looks like she just fills the whole thing up. When she's on her playmat she scootches around on her back like crazy and is about 95% ready to turn over. I sense this feeling of frustration from her. She wants to be able to move around more but has not physically figured it out yet...but she's dang close. Holly's starting to figure out the buttons on her playmat too. If you push them stuff lights up and there's little noises. She can kick them on and grab them too. We've been taking Holiday outside more and she really likes looking up at the big tree in the back yard and looking around outside in general. If she hears something, like a plane, she tries to figure out where the sound is coming from. Our babysitter Jill calls her Holly-wolly-polly-wog (say that five times fast). She does kind of has those frog legs, huh.

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