Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cute baby pics

Holly's so cute.

Daddy's feeding Holly at EMP/SFM.

Holly likes to play with her toys, those hanging toys were flying around when this picture was taken.

Holly practicing sitting up. I just love this outfit on her.

Baby toe grabbing Holly.
Holiday is really picking up on my personality. We went to a party with her on Saturday night and she got overwhelmed with all the sudden oohs & aahs and freaked out. We took her into a quieter area and she calmed right down. She even let daddy feed her and fell asleep on mommy so everything was alright. But it reminded me of an incident I had when I was 8 years old. I'm obviously short but when I was 8 I was incredibly tiny. This bunch of older kids surrounded me and I swear to this day it was to see how I would react. Well I totally felt small and freaked out. I ran away crying to my teacher and had to stay with her until my mom came to pick me up. I get the feeling that Holly doesn't like to feel small either.
Here's a YouTube video that David posted of Holly:

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Thank you so much for all the pics (here and on yahoo)! It sure warms up my heart. My favorite is with Holly on Jenny's knee and the video. Thinking of you always, Grandma Linda