Monday, March 1, 2010

Fastest Scootcher in the West

Holly is full of Babinese talkitiveness now. It's super cute. Scootching is still her primary mode of locomotion. Now when I set her down in the living room to make her a bottle, she scootches into the kitchen right next to me before I finish. Fastest scootcher in the West I say. She likes to follow our cat around. Rolling a ball back and forth is also a gas. Apparently it's hilarious. She laughed herself to hiccups. We've been taking her to parks and play areas more often now, she loves seeing other kids even though she's not quite big enough to take on the big toy herself. Holly can at least go in the swing and we slide her down slides. Still her preference is just watch kids run around (especially really close to her) while she claps her hands and screams in joy.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

What a darling baby! Do you think (with all the screaming and clapping) you have a future cheerleader? I predict she'll be a great talker. I always got good grades but most report cards said I talked too much! Love, Grandma Linda