Monday, March 22, 2010

Holiday is growing up fast

Holly has continued her major development streak. She's just past the 20 lb mark so now we can graduate to the next size car seat. I'm shifting her from 6-12 mo. to 12-18 mo. size clothes now. That probably means she'll grow out of her baby bath tub soon. We'll need to get some sort of non-slip surfacing for the main tub. Holly doesn't seem to like her stand-n-play saucer plaything anymore or playing in her playpen. It's just too much fun to roam around the living room and scootch under the table following the cat around. Holiday pulls herself up to standing all the time now. She still takes that step on her own but continues to crash and burn if we don't catch her. She's so quick at it that we don't always see it coming. At least the hard knocks haven't discouraged her because she keeps trying to walk by herself. Holly's had quick a few moments of standing completely unassisted for a whole minute. It works better if she has her attention on something else, like a kitty walking by. We go to playgrounds and playareas as much as possible for her now, she really enjoys being around other little kids.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

She's growing so much! Holly sure is a fast scootcher. I'm sure it's a lot harder keeping an eye on her. Obviously, she loves the independence of being able to move by herself. What a sweetheart! Love, grandma Linda