Thursday, March 25, 2010

Holiday with the Easter Bunny

We saw the Easter Bunny while we were at the mall. The picture turned out cuter than the one with Santa Claus. Holly is trying to walk all the time now. She's highly frustrated that it's not working yet. The drool machine is back on and there's been a lot of crying while putting her hands down her mouth and the tugging of little ears. I put my finger in to check and she bit bled quite a bit. Holly has bitten her own hand's better now. So now I check for teeth with caution. My book says you could see upper molars as soon as 13 months so those are probably the ones that are warming up right now. She got her 8th tooth in January so there's been a teething hiatus.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

What a really cute picture! You can see those baby teeth. She probably is working on those molars and it will probably not be the most fun of times, but this too shall pass. Love, Grandma Linda