Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pictures from Weekend in Portland

Holly likes chickens.

Daddy's lost 55 pounds...lookin' good.

More chickens.

Saturday Market with Daddy.

Lots of swimming pictures

Monday, June 28, 2010

Still catching up on pictures

Mommy and Holiday at Green Lake taking advantage of a sunny day.

Holly loves playing in bark.

Daddy and Holly going for a drive. We've gotten a lot of use out of that little pink car.

Here's Holly at Kubota Gardens.

Holly and Daddy lounging.

Holly gets into her car all the time.

Lately there's been a lot of blankie behaviour...very Linus.

Daddy and Holly in fish pajamas.

Holly even gets into her lego wagon.
Holly's just reached the minimum weight to use the new carseat that faces forward. She gained back all the weight she lost breaking in molars. I think she likes being able to see everything including Mommy and Daddy. This will be great for future road trips too.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

More Holly Pictures

Little Miss Holly getting into stuff (I've fixed the movie organization problem since then.)

In pony jamas on a pony from Aunt Kelly.

Ever since I draped her baby chains around my neck she does it too...with everything. She carries all her toys on her back now. Apparently that's how it's done and it's hilarious.

Daddy showing off Holly's little pigtails.

Holly is getting better at feeding herself.

Here's Holly and Daddy at the Ballard Locks.

And the Locks again.

Standing up feeding herself.

Rice and fruit are high on Holly's list of favorites.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Catching up on pictures

Playing with baby legos.

Holly playing at her desk.

Holly and daddy at the zoo.

Sticks are fun.

So are bows.

And barns.

And balloons.

Eating mommy's necklace with little daisies on.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Weekend in Portland

We went to a friend's wedding on Friday in Portland and Holly weathered the trip beautifully. Our hotel had an indoor pool and we just got a waterproof digital camera so we can take swimming pictures after our disposable waterproof camera fiasco. David cut Holly's bangs last night, it turned out can see her little face again.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More new stuff

Holly has her 12th tooth (last of the 1st molars). I'm not sure when that popped through. She can reach the dinner table now so everything within an inch of the edges is fair game. Holly seems to have a natural tackiness to her palms so everything sticks to her grip, she may as well have suction cups on her hands. She's been giving us speeches in babinese accompanied by gestures. Mostly clapping, throwing hands up in the air and fist pumps. Either David and/or I do these things and not realize it or she pays more attention to golf than we know. We'll need to measure her but there's a possibility of a growth spurt too. I'm two pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight, I'm starting to fit into certain size 14's now. Not everything of course since my middle hasn't gone back to normal after being stretched out like that. That'll take a little longer for me to accomplish.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holly's New Shoes

We got new shoes for Holly...specifically for learning how to walk. She's beginning to adapt to them. It is harder for her to scootch dragging shoes. Holly is beginning to opt for cruising instead of scootching when possible and she's getting a couple extra steps in. We're beginning to think that the cause of Holly's early risings and late bed downs is because she tends to rise and set with the sun. So David blocked out one of her windows last night and it seemed to work. I think she's transitioning to one nap a day now. We're still weaning off of formula and getting her to eat regular food. Holly still needs a lot of practice feeding herself with a spoon. She thinks it's hilarious when I feed her mac'n cheese with a spoon but she cooperates. We're trying out a suction cup bowl, we'll see how that works.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Machine Gun Holly

Holiday has been making funny machine gun noises lately. I never could do that, when I played war as a kid I always carried the "shotgun" because I couldn't manage a proper machine gun noise. Holly got another molar last week, the upper left and it feels like the upper right is on its way. So the total tooth count is 11. Holly is also making more of an effort to walk on her own. When she does she gets about 2 steps in and falls flat on her butt. In spite of that, she has realized that doesn't hurt if she falls square on her butt so she keeps trying. She's been walking with her push car from Aunt Keri on her own now without any prodding from us. When we took her to the play area on Friday night at the mall, Holly stood up on her own a lot more. Usually she scootches the entire time. She also followed other kids through the crawl holes so she's interacting more. We did Holly's swim lesson last Saturday, she's really liking the Humpty Dumpty part. That's where all the kids are placed on the edge of the pool and "jump" into the pool...all kids are assisted by their parents of course. Splashing is still a favorite.