Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More new stuff

Holly has her 12th tooth (last of the 1st molars). I'm not sure when that popped through. She can reach the dinner table now so everything within an inch of the edges is fair game. Holly seems to have a natural tackiness to her palms so everything sticks to her grip, she may as well have suction cups on her hands. She's been giving us speeches in babinese accompanied by gestures. Mostly clapping, throwing hands up in the air and fist pumps. Either David and/or I do these things and not realize it or she pays more attention to golf than we know. We'll need to measure her but there's a possibility of a growth spurt too. I'm two pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight, I'm starting to fit into certain size 14's now. Not everything of course since my middle hasn't gone back to normal after being stretched out like that. That'll take a little longer for me to accomplish.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Happy 14th month birthday to Holiday and kudos to Jenny for sticking with her weight and exercize plan! It does show in the videos. Love you all, Grandma Linda