Monday, June 28, 2010

Still catching up on pictures

Mommy and Holiday at Green Lake taking advantage of a sunny day.

Holly loves playing in bark.

Daddy and Holly going for a drive. We've gotten a lot of use out of that little pink car.

Here's Holly at Kubota Gardens.

Holly and Daddy lounging.

Holly gets into her car all the time.

Lately there's been a lot of blankie behaviour...very Linus.

Daddy and Holly in fish pajamas.

Holly even gets into her lego wagon.
Holly's just reached the minimum weight to use the new carseat that faces forward. She gained back all the weight she lost breaking in molars. I think she likes being able to see everything including Mommy and Daddy. This will be great for future road trips too.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

What a girl! She can find lots of ways to entertain herself. Love, Grandma Linda