Friday, September 10, 2010

Holly Updates

I think we need more baby-proofing. Holly is tall enough now that when she runs past the table she hits her head on the corners and it really hurts too. Poor baby. We're going to get some corner bumpers tonight. I think she just had a growth spurt because she's eating and sleeping a little more than usual. We might need to go up to the next size diapers too. She's wearing size 4 but in the last week there's been a couple of leaks and they just seem too little for her now. I posted her current clothing needs/sizes on the side of the blog, I got the idea from Keri's. It's such a good idea on how to keep family and friends up to date on that kind of stuff. A funny thing Holly did this week was when she was laying across my lap I was rubbing her back. I stopped momentarily and she grabbed my hand and threw it back on her back so I could keep rubbing her back. Apparently she likes backrubs. :)


gramlinda said...

Felt better today and made a good jambalaya. I ordered some pants, tops and a sweater in 18 mo size. Hopefully I can get them out by the end of the month. Love, Grandma Linds

Keri Hills said...

Poor little Holly bonking her head :(
Thanks for thinking the clothes size thing was a good Idea!

gramlinda said...

Today I ordered a snow set for Holly. Hard to know if these things fit, but here's hoping (also hope it's rain. not snow).