Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Swimming lessons resume

Nothing major has happened lately. We resumed swimming lessons for Holly. We got there and got ready 5 minutes before the lesson, but she wanted to jump right in. But can't do that because there are lessons going on before us and a free for all would just be chaos because there's always a ton of kids. But in that 5 minutes Holly decided if she didn't get in when she wanted to that she wasn't going to cooperate. She hated the lesson, the shower and getting dressed. We took her to the school playground that's literally inches away from the community center where the pool is and Holly calmed right down. She loves exploring right now. Touch, touch, touch. We just have to watch her so she doesn't grab a handful of dirt and toss it over her head because it all lands in her diaper which means instant bath time. It's hard to tell her no when she's giggling from having so much fun. Holly's dancing more often now, we happily encourage it. She's been doing this thing where she bursts into clapping hands and suddenly stops and puts her hands on her hips. She also likes to hang on to furniture while kicking one leg in sort of a Rockettes kind of way. It's really funny.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Holly's definitely in her "I want to choose for myself" stage. But it seems like she really knows how to have some good fun.