Monday, October 25, 2010

New Pictures

Holiday and Daddy at the Puyallup Fair (and a goat)

Little goats

Baby chicks

Holly loved the bubbles

Really loved the bubbles

Holly's getting her hands washed.

Pretending to cook with Daddy.

One of Holly's last bottles.
The flu shots came into the doctor's office so Holly's got her first round. We went to Aunt Sue's funeral on Friday, and Holly did quite well. We were surprised that about 80 people showed up, it was a beautiful ceremony too. It's been nearly 20 years since I've been inside the Bonney Lake Church. We went to Maris Farms on Saturday. Holly liked the slides and the goats (she called them kitties) and loved walking around in her new galoshes. They're little ladybugs boots. We had lunch there and watched pig races and checked out a folk singing duo. Holly really liked them too. After that we went to Grandma Claudia's house and hung out. Grandma has lots of cool toys that Holly likes. She really seemed to like Uncle Wade and sitting in the recliner with him playing the stand up and sit down game...repeatedly. And after that, we went to Uncle Chris's house in which Holly's favorite part was playing with all the cousins. Kaelie basically babysat her the whole time which worked out great for us. About every 5 minutes Holly would come running out the back room with the string of cousins behind her into the kitchen. They just make sure that she didn't climb the stairs or fall off the's all good.

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