Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve 'Eve'

I think we're about ready for Christmas. Pretty much all the presents are purchased and wrapped. We've already done our trip to the grocery store. I have cupcakes baking as I type this. Tomorrow night, on Christmas Eve, there's a party at my step-cousin Donnie's house. I guess he recently bought a house in Lake Tapps and it's a good way to throw a house-warming. There will be quite a few of the relatives there including Grandma Claudia and Grandpa Jet. I think my brother and his family will be there too. Hopefully Holly will feel better soon. She's still got that cold lingering from last week and she's pretty annoyed with all the snot. I keep hoping for a giant sneeze just to get it out and over with. Although she loves going out to other places with other kids to play with so much that she probably won't notice the stuffy nose till we get home.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I hope you have fun on
Christmas Eve! We are going to have tamales which is tradition here. Drive safely. Love, Grandma Linda