Friday, December 3, 2010

Snow Pictures

This was when the snow was coming down last Monday. Vader and Holly are fascinated.

Before it started to stick to the pavement.

Holly just stood there and wouldn't move (maybe she couldn't). She just happily chatted away watching the snow fall.

"I can't put my arms down!"

I guess this would be her first snow.

Blankie as a toy, it's fun to use as a cape or a hood.

And terrifically messes up hair.

This was the next day. We have busted out all our sweaters, big coats and hats now.

Which Holly is sporting Daddy's hat here.

Mommy's trying to play the "Knock, knock, who is it?" game.

Little face.
Everything's going good. Holly is playing with her crayons a lot lately...quite a proficient scribbler. The dish set she got from Aunt Toni gets a lot of play time too. She's also been playing with the lego wagon Grandma Linda got for her birthday a lot all of a sudden. Holly's quite a pro at stacking legos now, her favorites are the single round ones. She says "Oh, no!" when her stack of legos fall. We called Grandma Claudia last night to her wish her a happy birthday and Holly had a quite a good stab at saying "Gamma" for the first time.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Great pictures! I especially like Holly and Vader lookpng out at the snow and her big snow suit. David e-mailed me some of Thanksgiving with Holly and the microphone. Love, Grandma Linda