Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Man...Holly went so quick on all her other teeth, that I think we're paying for it with the 2nd molars. They still haven't shown yet. Friday night she was starting up on the fever again and it stuck with her until last night. At least she didn't throw up and her appetite only lessened a little bit. We managed to get her to the park one day this weekend. Yesterday we went to Folklife for a little bit. We got there early so we saw a lot of the set up and was able to find free parking, so that was cool. They even had a stage for kids' music by the big fountain. But by the time that got in full swing, Holly wanted to go home. I think it's time for me to go through her clothes and clean out the rest of her 18 months clothes, she's fully into 2T now. It does seem like kids clothes are like adult clothes in which one might be a different size depending on the store one would buy from. So sometimes we get the size 3T if the 2T looks too small. We bought new shoes for Holly this weekend, so she's wearing a size 6.5 now, we bought a size 7 too since she's growing so fast.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2 year Holiday Portraits

I think she looks like Shirley Temple here.
My mother's day present.

For Mother's Day David had secretly taken Holiday to get pictures done...all by himself. I was really surprised since I know how hard it is to do with both of us there to baby wrangle. Holly is simply not interested in holding still when she could be playing. In spite of the struggle to get Holly to cooperate the pictures came out great. I don't think David will be doing that on his own again though, it's pretty tough. :)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Point Defiance Zoo

We finally made it to Point Defiance Zoo. The weather dried up shortly after we got there so that part turned out alright, just on the cooler side. We had Grandma Claudia, Grandpa Jet, Uncle Chris and his family. Holiday really enjoyed the aquarium there. Right now she's in the verbal stage where she realizes everything has a name. So she likes to point out things she knows. "Fish" was spoken a lot. The octopus was really squiggly, maybe that's what made her uncomfortable around it. She called out "Elephant", "Monkey" when she saw them, she called the walrus a fish. She wasn't too sure of the cotton candy so she only had a little bit. She loved the play area there, especially the slides. Her cousin Ayden would tuck his knees up to his chest and would essentially cannon ball down the slide. Then Holly fed the goats "nummies" and giggled when they licked her hands. We hadn't actually left the park yet when Holly started falling asleep.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Holly habla Espanol

Last night, I was changing Holly into her pajamas when she counted to 10 in Spanish. Totally blew me away. Especially since we haven't been practicing that.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Holly's new favorite toy - her golf clubs

Daddy bought Holly a Snoopy golf club set last Friday.

And it's the first toy Holly brings out to play with every day since. This is Holly showing Mommy how it's done.

Holly's working on her "stance."

She absolutely loves this golf set. She drags it all over the house telling us about her "golf ball."

Mommy's reading the newspaper for coupons.

After which Holly precedes to wad them up.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Artwork by Holiday

Holly brought this picture home from daycare for Mother's Day.

Holly brought this one home from daycare on Friday. She colored the flowers pink. She definitely colors with intention though not in the lines. I say that's pretty good for 2 years old.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Holly's Growing Up

When I came home from the gym last night, David had a list of stuff that Holly did. I guess she had been drinking her milk and the cat got up in her face. So she offered him her milk and said (direct quote), "Do you want some?" Then David rattled off the rest of the list of her doings and ended bittersweetly with, "And she's growing up." At that precise moment she dug one of my sports bras out of the laundry basket and tried it on. She really is growing up. The complete sentences are coming more often and with better clarity. By the way Grandma Linda, Holly really liked the Hello Kitty t-shirt you just sent her. She said the sparkles were "pretty."

Monday, May 9, 2011

All better...for now

We really think it was the teething that made Holly so sick. But those 2nd molars haven't come in yet so this could happen all over again. Holly started feeling better on Saturday night, she was able to eat food and sit in her booster seat by Sunday. Yesterday the right side of her face was a little swollen, but she's back in daycare today. The trip to the zoo has been delayed a couple weeks, hopefully the weather will be better by then.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Poor sick little girl

I guess I should have said 'no sickness' instead of 'no raining'. I stayed home with Holiday yesterday because she threw up in her sleep again. Not a fun way to wake up for anybody let alone a little one. I think it's a combination of her current cold and those 2nd molars warming up again. She was holding her face saying "ouch" yesterday. That would explain a lot of her symptoms. But compared to her other teeth, these ones are really taking their time. David is staying home with her today, she hasn't thrown up since yesterday morning but she's got no energy. It's not normal behaviour for her to lay down on the couch when she could be playing. She'd rather play than do anything. So we'll have to see about going to Point Defiance this weekend, we might have to push it back a week.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Just the usual stuff...

Nothing of major importance has been going on. I had cold (it may have been an upper respiratory infection) last week, but now I'm better. Holly seems to have it now and she's not very happy about it. I can understand, I definitely felt crappy last week. She's so congested she's snores, it's not loud just noticeable. Holly and I seem to be giving each other colds for the last six weeks since she's been in daycare. At some point that has got to level off. I'm only just being able to work out again so I'd like to keep that going. David's been getting better at his skateboarding so there hasn't been any injury reports. The weather has been trying to get nicer so we're making more trips to the park and generally getting outside as much as possible on the evenings and weekends. I'm just hoping now that the weather is decent this Saturday for going to Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma for Mother's Day with a bunch of family. Seattle and Tacoma really do have different weather patterns so we'll just have to wait and see. At very least I'd like not raining...not raining...not raining.