Monday, May 23, 2011

Point Defiance Zoo

We finally made it to Point Defiance Zoo. The weather dried up shortly after we got there so that part turned out alright, just on the cooler side. We had Grandma Claudia, Grandpa Jet, Uncle Chris and his family. Holiday really enjoyed the aquarium there. Right now she's in the verbal stage where she realizes everything has a name. So she likes to point out things she knows. "Fish" was spoken a lot. The octopus was really squiggly, maybe that's what made her uncomfortable around it. She called out "Elephant", "Monkey" when she saw them, she called the walrus a fish. She wasn't too sure of the cotton candy so she only had a little bit. She loved the play area there, especially the slides. Her cousin Ayden would tuck his knees up to his chest and would essentially cannon ball down the slide. Then Holly fed the goats "nummies" and giggled when they licked her hands. We hadn't actually left the park yet when Holly started falling asleep.

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