Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Holly's Growing Up

When I came home from the gym last night, David had a list of stuff that Holly did. I guess she had been drinking her milk and the cat got up in her face. So she offered him her milk and said (direct quote), "Do you want some?" Then David rattled off the rest of the list of her doings and ended bittersweetly with, "And she's growing up." At that precise moment she dug one of my sports bras out of the laundry basket and tried it on. She really is growing up. The complete sentences are coming more often and with better clarity. By the way Grandma Linda, Holly really liked the Hello Kitty t-shirt you just sent her. She said the sparkles were "pretty."

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Ahh, she is growing up. These are such special days and they go by much too quickly. I'm glad Holly likes the t-shirt and more is coming. Love, Grandma Linda