Thursday, July 28, 2011

Caught up on Pictures

What's better than a Holiday in a box?

A Holiday and a kitty in a box.

Holiday and Hiloo at his birthday party.

Holiday loved this balloon.

Holiday loved Hiloo's balloon that was tied to him.

Then she came back to this balloon.

This must have been the exact moment when the balloon came off its string and floated away.

So Daddy got Holiday a new balloon.

Holiday coloring at Grandma Claudia's house.

Daddy and Holiday coloring at home.
I've just updated the link for our home videos.  Let me know if you have any issues.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Pictures of Beach Vacation

Holly tried out the bed right away when we got there and played "night-night".

Then next day we hit the beach and we had our gear ready to go.

Daddy got to work on the sand castles.

Mommy helped too.

Holly, of course, liked knocking them down.

"Daddy...what you doing?"

Holly wanted to sit with Daddy with the fortification of sand castles too.

Holiday really enjoyed the sand castles.

She generally likes playing in sand, not enough to eat it. :)

The little bumblebee swimsuit.

Holly wouldn't come in the pool with Mommy.

She just wanted to play with a water noodle and pretend she was an elephant with it.

She had a lot of fun being an elephant.

There's Daddy in his slippers playing with Holly with our neighboring guests' toys. We were that comfortable, they were really nice too. Holly liked playing chase with the other kids.

Back at the beach the next day. Here's Holly "coloring" in the sand.

Playing legos with Daddy.

This was at the playground on site.

Big hugs for Daddy in our guest room.

Our view from the patio door.

Holiday in the bedroom.

Anderson video update: we're going to drop YouTube and use a new site to host our videos. I'll establish a link once the kinks are worked out.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Next installment of Pictures

Here's Holly and Mommy at Folklife.

And then Holly with Daddy at Folklife.

Holly and Mommy playing "night-night" before bedtime.

Holly with some cool shades and the best hat ever. She's had a million compliments for it, mostly from middle aged women.

Holly likes to incorporate her little chair into a game of "catch-ball". The daycare lady has said she has a thing about chairs. The other kids will sit on the floor but Holly will pull up a chair. We are civilized human beings after all.

Here's Holly at Daddy's new favorite game store, Card Kingdom.

She's pretty good at the game Perfection.

This store has lots of room for her to run around in but she still likes the kids games area the best.

Look! Holly got some gardening gloves.

Holiday in a box.

Holly has gotten much better on her tricycle.

Here's Holly playing on Daddy's drums in the basement.

An FYI for those who watch the videos. David said there has been some strange unknown persons frequenting Holly's YouTube videos so we are going to password protect them. I will be contacting you all through email or phone with the new login information. Please note that you won't be able to see all the videos right away, David needs to go through each one, one at a time. He's hoping to get to it tonight.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Catching up on Pictures

Here we are at Point Defiance Zoo. This is the aquarium portion where Holly enjoyed touching the star fish.

Holly with her cousin Sammie.

"It's a peacock." I think that's Holly's cousin Kaelie in the background.

Snack time. That's definitely Kaelie there.

Daddy and Holly with Chris and cousin Ayden.

Nice shot of the Hello Kitty track suit. Blue's a good color for Holly.

With daddy at the play area.

Holiday loved the slides.

Goats are always aggressive when it comes to food, aren't they?

Here's Grandma Claudia with Holly and all the cousins.

Holly helping mommy fold clothes. She has one of daddy's socks on.

Sometimes it takes a great deal of effort.

David did a mass download of photos and videos last night, so I'm starting with the oldest and working my way forward. The videos are already posted to the YouTube link.