Friday, July 8, 2011

Little Chatterbox

It's kind of funny what words Holly has picked up. 'Elephant' is at the top of the list so she's always really excited to see one. 'Bicycle' is popular as well. 'Dinosaur' is working its way up the charts. Let's see...kite, bucket, shovel, toys, doggie, kittie, golf ball, hat, jacket, shoes, pants, panties, mananos (bananas), snack, sandwich, apple juice, milk, colors, brush, rain, snow, sky, moon, bed, sleep, her friends names at daycare including the cat and on and on. She's had her ABC's and numbers 1 through 20 down for a while now. Holly loves Sesame Street enough to ask for it by name. Her favorite part is the intro to the show so she can yell out all the muppets' names which of course continues through the entire episode (though it's always better with an elephant in the show). She's starting to sing songs now, we can't always tell if it's one we know or if she's making it up. Holly also has a couple sentences. A common one is "Mommy...what you doin'?" not exactly shouting but louder than her regular voice. Then there's "That's funny", "It's okay", "It's a (fill in blank)". Oh yeah, she likes to laugh like Ernie and eat like Cookie Monster from time to time.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

She's such a delight! Isn't it great that she is beginning to express herself so you aren't always guessing? It keeps on getting better. Love, Grandma Linda