Monday, July 11, 2011

Been Partying

We went to Hiloo's birthday party yesterday (I really have no idea how to spell that). He turned 2 his older sister turned 6. Hiloo and Holly go to daycare together. There over 50 people there, half were kids. It was held at Wallingford park and there was good weather so it turned out very good. Holly accidently turned the birthday girl's balloon loose so David bought her another one. We got Holly one too so she would leave the other kids' balloons alone. Holly liked to explore the landscape with all the big rocks and trees just as much as the playground. Then when it came to the playground she liked all the stuff that was underneath the play structures. That might be a mommy-tendency. She also made a run across the big open grassy area while happily screaming. It was cute to see Holly plunk herself down next to Hiloo because they're little friends. While I was trying to get Holly not to throw bark on other kids while yelling 'surprise', Hiloo dumped a handful of bark on Holly's head. I laughed out a sigh. Holly didn't seem to care, she needed a bath after going to the park anyways after all the digging around she did. All that exploring acquired quite a bit of dirtiness.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

It sounds like Holly had a "rip-roaring" two year-old time. Oh, I sent a little elephant (stuffed).

Grandma Linda