Monday, August 22, 2011

Latest Pictures

Holly coloring Daddy's shoebox.

That's a size 13 in case you're wondering.

One hot weekend.

Daddy and Holly in the wading pool.

Picnicing at Zootunes.

Holly really liked lunches...everything was Holly-sized.

Mommy eating her dinner.

Blankie-girl strikes again.

Mommy and Holiday.

Dancing with Daddy.

And loving it.

Holiday loves apples.

You should see the videos posted of the dancing at Zootunes.  It's absolutely hilarious.  You can hear me laughing the entire time in one of them.  This weekend David had his wallet out and Holiday took out his credit card and "swiped" it on his notebook computer.  She also drew a picture of a sun and is practicing writing right now.  I think her favorite number is 6 and favorite letter is C.  I have no idea why...maybe she likes that episode of Sesame Street.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Holiday at Zootunes

We had another nice weekend, getting some yardwork done and some relax time in. Last night we went to see the GoGo's at Zootunes and had a great time.  Holiday ate her dinner and was happy that she had a little folding chair like Mommy and Daddy too.  She got up and danced without any prompting at all from us, she's a natural rocker.  For a big part of the concert she kept putting a wet wipe across my knee, over and over again.  I was okay with that since I could still sit and watch the show...and my left knee was very clean.  So that's a WIN-WIN.  :)  Later on she danced with Daddy...with twirls and spins and everything.  She knows when to stop and clap and usually that's when she says, "I love it!"  We're going to another Zootunes on Wednesday, the weather is supposed to be nice, so hopefully Holiday will enjoy that one too.  She's been putting together a lot more complete sentences lately, it's like she's figured out how to do 5 new things over the weekend. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Calmness in the Anderson house

We had a nice and relatively quiet weekend last weekend.  David did a little golf, we saw the Blue Angels fly over our house, Holiday had a dip in our wading pool.  Sometimes it's good to give yourself some time off from doing anything.  I am feeling the need now to clean and purge the unnecessary stuff from our house and doing more yardwork to at least clean out the weeds and junk.  Holly's growing so fast that the house feels smaller by the day so I need to make more room.  Last week Holly grabbed David's debit card at the grocery store and tried to swipe it herself at the register.  She's already figuring out how it all works.  Holly's doing good at colors and is enjoying learning sign language from the goodnight show.

Friday, August 5, 2011

New Summertime pictures

Holiday in her new bathrobe.
Holly and Mommy near Pike Place Market.
Near the market again.
Daddy and Holly on their computers.
In the new robe again.
She loves coloring too.
Sometimes she gets down on her stomach to color.
Little bumblebee at the Volunteer Park wading pool.
Here we are with some of the other mommies in our meet-up group.
Little Holly is a bumblebee.
With a juice box.
"There's a plane! Bye-bye plane."
I see a smirky smile.
She was having a blast.