Monday, August 15, 2011

Holiday at Zootunes

We had another nice weekend, getting some yardwork done and some relax time in. Last night we went to see the GoGo's at Zootunes and had a great time.  Holiday ate her dinner and was happy that she had a little folding chair like Mommy and Daddy too.  She got up and danced without any prompting at all from us, she's a natural rocker.  For a big part of the concert she kept putting a wet wipe across my knee, over and over again.  I was okay with that since I could still sit and watch the show...and my left knee was very clean.  So that's a WIN-WIN.  :)  Later on she danced with Daddy...with twirls and spins and everything.  She knows when to stop and clap and usually that's when she says, "I love it!"  We're going to another Zootunes on Wednesday, the weather is supposed to be nice, so hopefully Holiday will enjoy that one too.  She's been putting together a lot more complete sentences lately, it's like she's figured out how to do 5 new things over the weekend. 

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

What a great time for all of you! I love that my grandaughter has some dancing skills, since I had little.

Grandma Linda