Monday, August 22, 2011

Latest Pictures

Holly coloring Daddy's shoebox.

That's a size 13 in case you're wondering.

One hot weekend.

Daddy and Holly in the wading pool.

Picnicing at Zootunes.

Holly really liked lunches...everything was Holly-sized.

Mommy eating her dinner.

Blankie-girl strikes again.

Mommy and Holiday.

Dancing with Daddy.

And loving it.

Holiday loves apples.

You should see the videos posted of the dancing at Zootunes.  It's absolutely hilarious.  You can hear me laughing the entire time in one of them.  This weekend David had his wallet out and Holiday took out his credit card and "swiped" it on his notebook computer.  She also drew a picture of a sun and is practicing writing right now.  I think her favorite number is 6 and favorite letter is C.  I have no idea why...maybe she likes that episode of Sesame Street.

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