Thursday, August 9, 2012

And so the teething process begins

We went to Toni and Drew's last Saturday to visit and to see the new kittens.  Well we only got to see one because the other one was in hiding and very shy...and Holly is an excitable and energetic 3 year old who loves "KITTIES!".  She certainly liked the hyper kitten and was throwing that cat toy around like crazy.  We endured the weekend heat as best as possible.  The kids didn't seem to feel very well on Monday morning.  Holly threw up and Johnny had a low grade fever.  Holly got over it within hours and had a proper breakfast and was her usual busy little self.  I suspect Johnny's begun the whole teething thing.  He's been stuffing he's fist in his mouth along with blankets and any toys he gets ahold of.  He got us up twice Sunday night but went right back to sleep after a quick feeding.  He's also been drooling like crazy which makes the blowing of bubbles quite exciting.  The fever went away within the day.  I think Johnny will go through this a couple times before actual teeth show up because taking a look inside nothing seems to be coming through just yet.  I've been getting more committed to working out again.  Nothing super-duper though since my sciatica won't allow it.  My calf seems to be doing a little better this week.  It's going to be a really slow process until I'm done with breast feeding, but Johnny is 3 months old now so I'm about half way through my goal.  David is still at war with the bushes and the blackberry vines in the backyard.  Those things really sunk their teeth into him this week, must be getting into older blackberries with really nasty thorns.  The bees were massing in the same spot so David's trying to make sure they don't reestablish themselves.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Hope everyone remains well. There's nothing more fun than watching a kitten's antics. Watch those bees!