Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pictures and New Stuff

Sleepy baby John.

Pile on Mommy!

Johnny grinning whilst playing train track demolition.

Squeaky clean Johnny boy!

Holiday's 'castle'.

Johnny just might be a drummer...he's very good at it.

Little cuteness.

Holly dressed like Abby KaDabby.

Who's got a new walking toy?

Johnny does!  And he's thrilled with it.

Miss Holiday getting ready for bed.

Doggy and kitty are having a 'picnic'.

Holiday playing on her leap pad.

Vader is giving David a kiss. (Not really but it looks like it).

Johnny has gotten way better at pulling up to standing.  He's still working on the whole stability thing.  Johnny has also figured out how to crawl and has picked up speed on it.  He likes pulling out Holly's golf clubs and banging them on the floor.  He'll crawl into places he can't get out of just yet...like under a chair or into a toy box, that's frustrating for him.  It's been much more challenging to change him now since every time we lay him down on the changing table his first impulse is to roll to his left and sit up facing the mirror.  I try to distract him with a toy or anything he can hold long enough to change him.  Otherwise we have to deal with the crocodile death spiral pretty much every time.  Holly never did that so that's a difference between children.  Holly's progressing like usual.  She's interested in helping around the house, so we have her help with putting things away, or stir something in the kitchen and she helped folding clothes the other day.  It's rare for her to have potty accidents during the day now.  So we think she might be ready to do at least the nap portion without an accident.  We'll see...it might be too soon.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

*I loved my recent conversation with Holiday!! Wonderful pictures and some valentine stickers coming to your home.